Sunday 2 December 2012

Post 5 - mid development

So my game is in full swing with 2 full levels almost complete and the majority of the mechanics working. Here's a brief run down of what goes on.

When the game comes up it opens with the opening screen. (funnily enough.)

From here pressing enter will take you to the story slides which give a brief overview of what's happening and give the game some context.

The game then enters a small tutorial level where the controls are taught. Simply gives the player a chance to learn the controls and once they've defeated both enemies on that level they're then dropped into level 1. Which starts of looking like this (Still using placeholder art):

Here the user fights their way through the viruses having to jump over gaps and up steps in the normal platformer fashion until the end when you meet the boss of the level. 

This four eyed virus monster shoots lasers out of it's eyes in a straight line that the player must duck or jump over, or in a random angle in the direction of the player. Each laser does 20 damage points to the player when they're hit and the boss needs to be shot 20 times for it to die. When the boss dies the screen fades out and goes onto the next level. Which has been developed just isn't being shown at the moment.

The player starts off with 100 health and on contact with a virus they loose 25 points. However there are health packs the player can pick up that revitalise the player by 50 health points, and the player can have a maximum of 200 health. This has been implemented for the 2nd level. Where I have implemented a falling mechanic where by the user takes damage when they fall too far, and having a maximum of 200 health gives them a bit more of a chance to complete the level.

One feature of the first level is teaching the user than bullets can be scarce, and having the boss health so high  means that the user is forced to use the vacuum mechanic more than the shoot mechanic, which increases the uniqueness of the game.

Due to the military background of the character I'm going to have the music have a very militaristic theme, whilst the player plays through the levels they will have a simple military beat in the background and then when they approach the boss the music will change into a different beat and instrument depending on the boss.

I have 2 types of enemy so far, the virus and the boss.

The virus doesn't attack but colliding with it damages the player, they have 2 way movement and rebound when they collide with walls. When the player collides with the virus the virus dies.

The boss changes with each levels, they will generally have a high health count (around 25) and depending on the boss there will be different methods of defeating him.

Dropped midflow here but I will finish it tomorrow :)

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