Sunday 9 December 2012

post number 8...

Well since it's due in on Monday, probably about time I make a decent blog post and detailed explanation about my game demo.

My Game is called Dr Doctor. In which the player assumes the role of an army medic shrunk down to the size of a virus and injected into the human body in order to fight off the virus threat.

The player uses the wasd keys along with . and / to control the Doctor. He can run left and right, jump, duck, shoot bullets and vacuum the enemies up. When an enemy is vacuumed up it is converted into a bullet, these bullets can be used to shoot the enemies and eventually the boss of that level.


Vacuuming Right

Vacuuming Left

Shooting Right

shooting left

 Vacuum enemy left
Vacuum Enemy Right

Walk Left
 Walk Right

Jump Left
 Jump Right

Duck Left
 Duck Right

The Normal Enemy Moves left and right and only damages the player on contact, depending on the level depends on whether they can fall of platforms or not. They do 25 damage to the player when they touch him.

The Demo has 3 levels, each with something a little different to the others, the idea is the levels get more oddly coloured throughout to represent how infected the area is as you get closer to the end. The first level has a red colour scheme, level 2 is browny yellow, and level 3 is green.

Each level has it's own boss but shares the same basic enemy. The bosses on each level do different things but currently are all killed just by being shot a set amount of times depending on which level you're on.

Boss 1:
Takes 25 bullets to kill it. Gives an unknown added incentive to the first level to save bullets. Fires 2 bullets at a time one going straight across which will definitely hit the player unless ducked under or jumped over, then the other one shoots down at the player and has 3 possible lines of travel.

Boss 2:
Takes 30 bullets to kill. The tank currently goes back and fourth across the screen and if the player is hit by the front of it the player takes 25 health and is pushed back, the player can jump ontop of the tank but wont be able to kill it that way.

Boss 3:
This is currently the final boss, which takes 50 bullets to kill. It has 4 guns that shoot down at the player at a rapid pace and the player has to dodge all of the bullets, the "factory" also produces an enemy that comes out of its doors every 2 seconds that will come at the player. Once this boss is defeated the player has completed the game.


Whilst using the macs in the lab I found I liked a font called Chalkduster, I found it kinda fitted with the childish look of my game, and also looked like an old blackboard type look to the game which fitted with the tenuous world war 2 theme. The only problem I have with this is that I can't make it consistent if I work on it at home unless I download the font off the internet, it's not an issue just a resource thought.

Problems I encountered along the way...

I encountered a problem that was causing the enemies to not rebound on side collision with a tile, instead it was causing all of the enemies to just freeze up and start shaking. In order to resolve this James in the lab implemented a new actor called barrier, and instead of creating collision detection between the tiles and the enemy there is a collision between the barrier and the enemy. This solved that problem.

Stencyl itself just sometimes does things for no apparent reason. For example I had just finished the 3rd level, and played a test level just to make sure it was working, and suddenly none of my animations for my character would work, and it wouldn't vacuum or shoot because of that. For some reason it changed the "self" when you change animations to a "self" that wasn't the "self" for that actor, so I had to change each "self" on each of the animations to what seemed to be the same "self" but apparently was a different "self" <-- is the "self" getting annoying yet?

When implementing the 2nd boss I set the physics to cannot be pushed, because I wanted the tank to be "heavier" than the player so if the player ran into the back of the tank it wouldn't increase the speed of the tank, however doing this meant that the 2nd boss just didn't move, so after faffing about in the blocks for a good half an hour I found out that the only problem was one radio button that said that the tank could move...

Stencyl also has a weird way of turning things off without your permission and just not functioning the way it should, which is restored normally by closing it and opening it again, which caused me to waste quite a bit of time because I didn't just think to restart stencyl at the beginning, so learn your lesson from me, RESTART STENCYL FIRST IF ANYTHING GOES WRONG. If that doesn't work then feel free to waste as much time as you want trying to fix whatevers wrong :')

I should be putting Dr Doctor onto Kongregate later, just have to sort some sound out for it, I'll post a link later that goes to my game on Kongregate :)

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