Tuesday 16 October 2012

Post 3, restart.

Right, old idea: scrapped until a later date. New idea, platform shooter.

Characters (so far):

The Doc.
Player character, has left right movement and is able to jump and duck, so 4 way direction (probably being controlled using the wasd keys or the arrow keys).
Weapon: Vacuum gun, sucks the enemies in and then converts them into antibodies which are shot out. Player must suck enemies in for them to become ammo. There may also be a melee attack too but I won't focus on that to start with.
Health: the player will have a maximum amount of health at the beginning of the game, but if injured will slowly regenerate over time, I don't want there to be any health pick ups in the game other than possibly at the end of each level where the Dr may be able to convert his ammo into health, or something like that. I don't want health packages to increase how vigilant the player is going to have to be and play carefully.

NDV (Nazi Death Virus, see story in a following post)
Main enemy character, can move left or right but cannot jump, can fall though if reaching the end of a platform onto another one. If walking into an object it will bounce off and walk the other way.
Weapon: can fire the virus infecter at the Dr in order to wound him, also colliding with the enemy the doctor will take damage.
Health: as the player progresses through the game the health of the virus will increase to ensure the difficulty increases. At the beginning of the game the user can vacuum all viruses up into ammo, later on the player may have to weaken viruses before sucking them up and converting them into ammo.


Allies (maybe):
Immune system + antibodies.

1944, Nazi's have developed a bio-weapon virus, the NDV, or NTV auf Deutsch (Nazi Totes-Virus), and are almost prepared to unleash it on both the east and western fronts, which would win them the war in a matter of weeks. Alerted by this, the Dr and his team are sneakily dropped into Berlin to try and stop the Nazis releasing the virus. Upon finding the lab, it turns out the virus was being produced in human beings and could be harvested from dead humans, one by one the doctor and his team destroyed the dead virus factories until just one was left. This body was under the top surveillance of the SS, the reason why, it was still alive. The body only reproduces the virus until it dies, so this factory was purposefully being kept alive to ensure they could keep reproducing the virus. It was far to risky for the Dr and his team so just destroy the factory and didn't want to be inhumane and kill the human straight out.

Instead the Dr, being the genius he was, showed his team a prototype shrink ray he had produced, and persisted that he was to be shrunk by it. After a scary and uncertain attempt at using the machine, the Dr was shrunk down to the size of the virus itself, he sneaked into the human factory via the blood stream with one intention, find out where the cells are being reproduced, and destroy the reproductive factory, at all costs.

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