Saturday 16 February 2013

Unity 3D Project 1. Initial Ideas.

Hey Guys

For my 2nd term game development project I'm using the Unity 4 game engine to produce a game which contains standard game play mechanics with a new personal innovative twist!

I've had several ideas which I would like to implement but the development process is what'll define what I can get done. Being a newcomer to unity I don't want to take on anything too challenging but at the same time having a challenge will make me learn more. Much like the stencyl project going into this project without knowing quite how much unity can do, or how well I'm going to be able to use unity. Is going to make choosing a game to build a challenge.

My first idea is called Project Mini Racers.
The player assumes the role of a "micro machine" type vehicle racing other vehicles to the end of the level. It'll be a side scroller 3D environment moving from left to right. The player will have to avoid obstacles and debris as they race across the level and will be able to gain powerups that allow them to do more than just race. For example there will be a point where the racers will have to go through some water, now if the player picked up the boat power up they won't have a problem going across the water, for those who didn't pick up the boat power up they'll be slowed down by the water.
The art style wouldn't be serious but would be visually appealing with lots of "sparkle" as it were. The game would be easy but attractive on the eyes and look and feel playful and playable.

My second idea is quite simple yet I believe it could be effective.
As a kid I would become more and more furious whilst playing Zelda OoT when it came to kikori forest. Where I'd randomly run around the maze like set up until I managed to get to where I wanted to go. Until I realized if you followed the music you'd get there no problem. I would get a piece of paper and write down which way I've gone.
This inspired this next idea. it's plain and simple. You've been dropped into the middle of a maze, a massive maze, with no idea where to go, but some reward at the end, and the whole idea is you'll need a pen and paper next to you to get to the end. The player would be put into some scenario where you've ended up in this maze and you need to get out. The game would use only a mouse click, where you'd get to a junction you'd be presented with the options of where to go next. For example if you came to a t-junction you'd have either left right or back.
There would have to be some sort of threat or timer for the user to get out in time otherwise the user could just get lost forever. Perhaps the game could also have multiple floors and when you reach the floor above/below it gets more and more difficult.

These are just two prototype ideas and I'm not entirely sure what I'm going to go for yet. The first idea would be more time and resource consuming having to learn a whole new load of physics for racing games and then create all of the different assets, whereas a maze game could be made rather simply and not have too much too it.

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