Sunday 30 September 2012

Computing and Game Development Log Entry 1

Hey guys welcome to my game development blog.

Here I will talk about my course at the University of Plymouth. I am undertaking the BSc (Hons) Computing and Games Development course. A 3 year course with an optional gap year. In this blog I will be logging my time here and the development stages of any of my work, be it just concept ideas from game mechanics to video demos.

This week I downloaded and had my first experience with Stencylworks. A piece of 2D game creating software. It seemed quite simple at first but after looking into it it has quite some depth but I expect it will have its limits. I think after using it a bit more I'll be a bit more positive about it but not too sure at the moment. I also had a lecture and practical in which I started C# programming, after my experience of, C# programming looked very similar, there are a lot of difference in the syntaxes of both languages. I definitely prefer C# currently to stencylworks.

I have had a couple of ideas about the game I'm going to make. Ideas have been from a range of genres, from real time strategy, attack and defend, to  slightly rpg type games. I've made a few sketches and a few initial ideas which need to be refined.

Until next time :)
